Presented at SPIE Medical Imaging Symposium, San Diego, CA, February 27, 2016

Writing for publication

Kenneth M. Hanson
Los Alamos National Laboratory, retired


This course teaches attendees the basic skills needed to create well-written scientific articles for publication in journals or proceedings. I discuss the structure of a paper and the functionality of its various parts. You will learn the standards of good technical writing, punctuation and grammar, and how to avoid common writing mistakes. I will discuss techniques for overcoming writer’s block. This course will teach you how to:

This course is intended for researchers who wish to improve their proficiency in writing scientific articles. Participants should have a basic understanding of the English language.

Keywords: technical writing, journal, proceedings, article organization, style, word choice, usage, English grammar, punctuation, SPIE format, readability, writers’ tools, sentence construction, paragraphs

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