LaTeX style files for the Proceedings of the SPIE
LaTeX and BibTeX style files for SPIE Proceedings

The following files are outdated
The most up-to-date SPIE style files are available at

The following LaTeX style files are Version 2.71 (released September 18, 2002), which incorporate recent modifications to the SPIE format, including limiting the text field to 6.75-in. wide by 8.75-in. high.
Please note that these style files are written for LaTeX2e, and will not run under LaTeX 2.09.

Download the following LaTeX and BibTeX style files:
LaTeX class file, to format your manuscript, spie271.cls (15 KB)
Bibliography style file, to format your reference list using BibTeX, spiebib.bst (20 KB)

Margins: The margins in this version of spie.cls are: top and bottom margins are 1.125 in.; left and right margins are 0.875 in.

A4 paper: The default paper size for the standard article.cls, on which spie.cls relies, is USA letter paper (8.5 in. by 11 in.). To format for A4 paper, specify the option "a4paper" in the first command in article.tex: \documentclass[a4paper]{spie}

A sample SPIE manuscript

The following LaTeX source file is Version 2.71 (revised February 13, 2003).

For a sample source file using both LaTeX and BibTeX, download the following:
LaTeX source file,
article271.tex (24 KB)
Bibliography file, to be used by BibTeX, report.bib (2 KB)
EPS image, to be included in the formatted article, mcr3b.eps (14 KB)
The text of this sample manuscript contains a complete description of the specifications of a properly formatted SPIE manuscript, as well as some guidelines for good technical writing.

Once you have the files article.tex, spie.cls, spiebib.bst, report.bib, and mcr3b.eps, you should be able to use LaTeX and BibTeX to make a properly formatted DVI file. To get the reference list (bibliography) and cross-referenced citations, it is necessary to run latex once, then bibtex, and then latex twice. A sample LaTeX session is shown in session.txt.

Please note the comment in the previous section about margins and positioning the text on the page.

Note that in the BIB file, the 'journal' field in the @incollection entry type is no longer advised, because it is inconsistent with standard BibTeX usage. Use the 'series' field instead, as demonstrated in the above report.bib file for a reference to an SPIE article.

Examples of the formatted sample manuscript

Examples of the final formatted manuscript obtained using the above style files:
Manuscript in PostScript, (PS, 254 KB)
Manuscript in Acrobat PDF, article271.pdf (PDF, 92 KB) (PDF reader available from Adobe)

The text in these files provides the specifications of a properly formatted SPIE manuscript, as well as some guidelines for good technical writing.

The instructions for use of this new style file are the same as for the previous one, which can be found at (