Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ph.D. in Physics, October 1970
M.S. in Physics, June 1967
Thesis advisor - Prof. Richard Wilson
Thesis title - Quasi-Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering
Graduate Student in Physics, September 1963 to October 1970
Taught conference section in undergraduate physics course, Spring 1966
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Bach. Eng. Physics, June 1963
Undergraduate Student in Engineering Physics, September 1958 to June 1963
Participated in Wayne State University's Junior Year in Munich Program, 1961-1962
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Guest Scientist from October 2016
Consultant from January 2011 to September 2016
Guest Scientist from January 2008 to March 2010
Laboratory Associate from January 2005 to January 2008
Project Leader for Radiographic Diagnostics (AGEX I) from 1998 to 2001
Staff member from October 1975 to July 2004
As a consultant with the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division (2011-2016), mentored post-doctoral geophysicists on medical-imaging issues for an ultrasound breast-imaging project. Since 2016, continued working as a Guest Scientist with EES post-doctoral researchers on various topics, including reconstruction, imaging and data analysis
In the Theoretical (T) Division (from 2004 to 2008), assessed the uncertainties in neutron cross sections derived from experimental measurements. Developed methods to deal with systematic uncertainties in cross-section measurements, and data sets that disagree with each other in terms of their normalization; how to cope with outliers. Demonstrated that the distribution of historical lifetime data for several fundamental particles is decidedly non-Gaussian, but possesses a long tail, consistent with a Student t distribution.
In the Computer and Computational Sciences (CCS) Division (from 2001 to 2004), worked on a methodology for quantifying the uncertainties in simulation-code predictions, and on the first Advanced Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) validation milestone. Investigated quasi Monte Carlo for sampling multidimensional posterior distributions with improved accuracy. Organized several conferences including the internal LANL Workshop on Quantification of Uncertainties in Physics Simulations in 2002.
In the Dynamic Testing (M) Division, later called DX-Division
(from 1980 to 2001), studied problems in computed tomography, coded apertures, restoration of blurred images, quantitative analysis of radiographs, characterization of image quality, 3D tomographic reconstruction using deformable geometric models, and verification and validation of simulation codes. Developed Hamiltonian (Hybrid) Markov Chain Monte Carlo for efficiently sampling high-dimensional posterior probability distributions. Co-developer of the Bayes Inference Engine (BIE), the principle analysis tool for quantitative interpretation of dynamic radiographs acquired in DX Division and at the Atomic Weapons Establishemnt in the United Kingdom. Took sabbatical (1986-1987) at the French imaging firm CGR in Buc, France.
In Meson Physics Division (1975 - 1980), supervised experiments to demonstrate the feasibility, dose advantage, and imaging characteristics of proton computed tomography for medical use. Developed methods for characterizing image quality and established the quantitative connection between them and the performance of visual tasks. Helped develop visualization techniques for pion therapy. Participated in experiments to accurately measure multiple Coulomb-scattering distributions.
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Research associate, Laboratory of Nuclear Studies, from October 1970 to October 1975
Participated in numerous experiments investigating high-energy photoproduction and electroproduction.
Instructor, Physics Department, Spring 1972 and Fall 1972
Taught undergraduate physics section and advanced physics laboratory.
Author of 169 publications; 52 in peer-reviewed journals, two book chapters, and conference organizer and editor of nine proceedings; 116 papers in the fields of imaging science and tomographic reconstruction, seven on simulation-code validation, six on nuclear physics, and 31 in the field of experimental electro- and photo-production of elementary particles.
Professional Societies
Further Information
Phone number:
(505) 662-4370 (home office)
E-mail address:
Scientific work:
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