Los Alamos Report, LA-UR-02-7331 (LANL, 2002)

Synopsis of a Workshop on Quantification of Uncertainties in Physics Simulations

Kenneth M. Hanson, J. M. Booker, and F. M. Hemez
Los Alamos National Laboratory


The Workshop on Quantification of Uncertainties in Physics Simulations (QUIPS), held at the Los Alamos National Laboratory on September 9 and 10, 2002, brought together nearly 150 LANL scientists. The presentations and discussions covered a wide variety of applications, ranging from simulations of simple hydrodynamics and material dynamics to simulations of nuclear weapons. The workshop successfully met its primary goal of promoting discussions among LANL scientists about the problems associated with quantifying uncertainties in physicsbased simulation calculations. The workshop made an important step toward developing a sense of common purpose among those engaged in different applications. This common interest should be fostered through local seminars, such as the Uncertainty Quantification Working Group seminar series. It would be valuable to hold further seminars and workshops, involving not only the LANL community, but also other DOE laboratories, to improve our understanding of the problems associated with uncertainty quantification of simulation codes, and how to solve them.

Keywords: Quantification of Uncertainties in Physics Simulations, QUIPS

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