Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 974–977 (1976); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.37.974

Electroproduction of Protons at Large Transverse Momentum

A. Browman, K. M. Hanson, S. D. Holmes, R. V. Kline, D. Larson, F. M. Pipkin, S. W. Raither, and A. Silverman
Cornell University and Harvard University


We report measurements of the inclusive electroproduction reaction e + p --> e + p + X for protons produced between 100° and 150° in the virtual-photon-target-proton center-of-mass system. Data were taken at the (W ,Q2) points (2.2 GeV, 1.2 GeV^2), (2.2, 3.6), (2.65, 1.2), (2.65, 2.0), (2.65, 2.8), (2.65, 3.6), (3.1, 1.2), and (3.1, 2.0). The invariant structure function is studied as a function of W, Q^2, x_T, p_T^2 , and M_X^2.

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