Harvard University Thesis (1970)

Large-Angle Quasi-Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering

Kenneth M Hanson


The quasi-elastic electron-deuteron process, e + d → e + n + p, has been investigated. Recoil protons were detected in coincidence with the scattered electrons. Measurements were taken at an electron angle of 90° for four-momentum transfers q2 = 7, 10, 15, 20 and 30 f -2 and at 80 deg for 45 f -2. The ratios of the elastic e-n to e-p cross sections are derived from the data by three methods: the proton coincidence methods, the area method and the peak method. The theory developed by Renard, Tran Than Van and LeBellas, which includes corrections for the final state interactions, is found to explain the proton coincidence results. Analysis of the present results, together with earlier measurements, yields the neutron form factors; GEn2 is found to be positive.

Keywords: electron deuteron scattering, neutron form factors, electron neutron scattering
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