AIP Style Manual, Fourth Edition, with Searchable Text

The AIP Style Manual provides guidance in writing, editing, and preparing scientific manuscripts for publication.

Although the Manual was written specifically for authors aiming to publish in AIP journals, it offers sound advice on technical writing. The following sections are of general interest:
Section II (first half) describes how to plan and write a good scientific paper,
Section III summarizes basic rules of grammar and punctuation, as well as use of symbols and units of physical quantities,
Section IV has guidelines for forming mathematical expressions and equations,
Section V gives some good general advice for formatting graphs, and
Appendix B provides the proper spelling of frequently-used words.

In addition, the following appendices are useful to physics authors:
Appendix C lists physical units of measure and their abbreviations,
Appendix D lists standard abbreviations of often used words, and
Appendix G lists the abbreviations of the names of many journals of physical science.

Complete AIP Style Manual with searchable text (65 pages, PDF, 4.2 MB)
AIP Style Manual, Fourth Edition, Copyright © 1990-1997 American Institute of Physics

The above version is posted with the permission of the American Institute of Physics. It may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Institute of Physics.
The original AIP file can be found that the URL:

Ken Hanson,

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Last modified 1 Arpil 2010